Just in case anyone missed Ms. Richichi's note this week. See you all tomorrow! I'm so excited to see everyone!! Please email with any concerns.
Monday June 22nd - Grade 6 Package Pick Up The Grade 6 team of educators will all be present and are planning to wear their Sunday best. We encourage you and your child to also get as dressed up as you were planning to get for the actual ceremony. We feel this will make it seem a little more special. Similar to the pickups we did this week, there will have to be some guidelines around entering the school. You will be able to be in the gym for 5-10 minutes and you must keep a physical distance of 2 meters from anyone that is not part of your household. There is a schedule below based on last name initials. Procedures to follow: 1. Only Enter through the front doors 2. Sign In and disinfect your hands using hand sanitizer. 3. Please proceed to the front foyer to retrieve your package 4. Once you are ready to leave, please exit through the gym exterior doors (there will be signs) 5. If you need to pick up student belongings as well, you will be able to do this once you exit the gym. 6. In order to avoid long line ups, we have created a schedule based on last name initial. 11:00am - A, B 11:15am - C,D 11:30am - E, H 11:45am - I, J, K, L 12:00pm - M 12:15pm - N, O, P 12:30pm - Q, R 12:45pm - S 1:00pm - T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Tuesday, June 23rd - Virtual Online Ceremony 1pm
On Tuesday we will be having our virtual Leaving Ceremony via a Google Meet. Again, we will be dressed up and encourage you and your child to do the same. Your children have all become experts in using this platform so we don't foresee that being a challenge. An invitation to the Meet will be sent directly to your child's school board email address. This will be done by the end of the day tomorrow, so please let us know if they don't get it.
We would like to have everyone logged on to the Google Meet by 1pm that day, so we suggest having your battery charged and ready to go a few minutes before that. We know the students will be excited to see everyone so we will give them a chance to get familiar with being in a meeting with so many people and also a chance to say hi to each other. By 1:10 we will ask everyone to mute their mics so that there is no feedback during the ceremony. We are estimating that we will be done by 2pm at which time students can unmute and chat with each other if they would like to. However, we imagine that will be difficult with 60 of them.
We are a little nervous about encountering technical difficulties and we'll be doing a run-through with staff tomorrow. Please be patient with us. We are asking that the ceremony is accessed only on 1 device per family in order to get the best quality overall. Please do not share the link with other family members outside your home. A copy of the virtual ceremony will be sent to all Grade 6 students at the end as a keepsake. Please consider the privacy of others when sharing or posting anything on social media. Any pictures you post should only have information and images pertaining to your child.
For your planning purposes, the order of the ceremony will be:
-Principal Address
-Educator Address
-Valedictorian Speech
-Presentation of certificates (we will call out their names in alphabetical order starting with Mr. Graitson's homeroom and then and starting with Mrs. Juneau's homeroom). At this time, you may wish to present your child with the certificate that will be given to you on Monday
