Today, we continued talking about stress and coping with stress.
When we're stressed, we should be following these 4 steps:
1. Stress Test - what in my life is causing me stress
2. Know the Signs and symptoms - Ask yourself how do I know I'm stressed? How is impacting me, my well-being, and/or my life
3. Triggers - What triggers high levels of stress?
4. Plan to tackle our stress - apply our positive coping strategies
We also talked about:
Positive Coping Strategies - we know they're positive because these choices/actions are:
- respectful of you, others and property
- helps you solve the problem
- helps restore emotional balance and/or feel better about yourself
Examples Covered with students:
* talk to a trusted adult in your life, or close friend
* journal
* exercise
* get fresh air/ go on a walk
We also discussed the importance of practising positive coping strategies because it will be easier to handle stress in a healthy way when it comes up in your life.
Check out some of the resources we learned about today:
