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  • Writer's pictureMs.Juneau

Test Stress & Affirmations...

On Thursday we had our first Math test! Tests in gr.6 bring with it some anxiety for children. So, prior to the test we talked about the different forms of stress. First, we discussed how healthy levels of stress are good! A little bit of stress can get you study early for a test, focus during a game etc. However, we need to know how to manage our stress levels before they get so high that we have trouble calming and then shut down. So, to help prepare and ground ourselves before the test we talked about ways to de-stress. We brainstormed ideas like deep breathing, taking a short break, skipping a challenging question and coming back to it, and saying encouraging words to ourselves like "I can do this.".

Following the test, in hopes of fostering a growth mindset and encouraging self talk, students learned more about what affirmations are and how they change the way you think. I gave each student a piece of cardstock to write an affirmation that they wanted to work on. This card will be decorated and laminated so that students can keep it in their pocket or bag to remind themselves of their affirmation everyday. Like anything in life, if you want to improve your skills at something, you have to practice! And that includes positive thinking and having a sense of worthiness and self confidence.

Here is the link that students used to find their own personal affirmation:

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