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  • Writer's pictureMs.Juneau

Letter to Parents - Digital Copy

Welcome to Grade 6!

It is my pleasure to be teaching your child this year! I look forward to working closely with you and getting to know your child. You are your child's first teacher, and together we can help your child meet not only the provincial expectations, but also social, emotional and personal goals they may have for this year. We will be starting the year by getting to know each other, our individual strengths, interests and needs. The emphasis with students is that effort is more important than ability in achieving success and that a student's "job" is to work hard and try their best.

This year, homework will consist of any class work that was not completed in class. There will be supplementary (and optional) practice work shared through Hapara each month. This will consist of a few practice math problems and a short writing piece for each week. If completing the homework, it will be due each Friday.

We will be starting the year with a number of "Getting to Know You" activities. In language & religion we will start with writing letters to our future selves, participating in the “Great Canadian Mail Race” and identifying our goals for the year. Then we will begin by discussing and learning how to use technology appropriately and the importance of digital citizenship. In math, we will begin the year by investigating number sense, by doing our daily Math Warm-Up or "number talks", and memorizing our basic facts! In Science, we will be starting with Electricity.

School Supplies and Wish List (Optional)


Hand sanitizer

White board markers (used everyday in Math)

Ear phones

Lined paper

I invite you to please follow our class Twitter account at @MsJuneau13. We will be tweeting regularly to update everyone on our learning journey. You can also follow this feed by subscribing to our classroom blog at this address: I will be updating the blog bi-weekly to let parents know what we will be doing. Twitter will be used to show daily activities and celebrate learning. I am also sending home a communication notebook. Please feel free to write me anytime. Students will be responsible for putting it on my desk when there is a note. You may also call me at the school @(613) 271-6181

Finally, I would like to invite any parent who is interested in getting involved in our class to contact me at the school. The more the merrier, and extra hands are ALWAYS welcome!

Your partner in education,

Ms. Juneau

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