The assessment folders are coming home this week. If you came to interviews, your child has already received theirs. I have conferenced with each student about how they are doing in Math and Language. They will fill out the goal sheet that is in their yellow folder and return it by Friday. Students were encouraged to go through each of the items with you at home and talk about strengths and areas for improvement. In the assessment folder:
1. Autobiographies
They were so much fun to read and all those baby pictures!! So cute. I learned a lot about all of the students, which really helps me continue to build relationships with them.
In Language, I don't include a mark on most of the assignments because I find this lessens anxiety around grades. Instead, you will see there is a comment on strengths (highlighted in pink) and a comment for growth (highlighted in green). This type of feedback is straightforward and clear so that students can take charge of their learning and improve the quality of their work in specific ways.
2. Unit 2 Math test
In general, the students did well! This is to be signed and returned back to school. Any student with a 65% or below have to do the monthly homework slide deck (shared through Hapara/Google Drive) until their marks improve.
3. EQAO- Language
Please see other post about EQAO reading responses.